Been a looooong long week.
Posted by ememem at 8:33 PM 0 comments
Na akkor magyarul is irok ๐
Gyerekek, a lenyeget roviden leirom mert sokat nem akarok foglakozni a dologgal, covidrol sem fogok irni tobbet, jobb dolgok is vannak ennel.
Lenyeg az hogy vannak az osszeeskuves elmeletben hivo emberek, annak is vannak kulonbozo lepcsofokai.
Unokatesom ugy gondolja, hiszi, azok utan amiket olvasott es hallott, a vilag populaciojanak mindossze 10%-a fogja ezt tulelni, azok akik tulelik nem les semmijuk de boldogok lesznek habar meg lesz nekik mindva hogy hogy eljenek. Hamarosan nem lesz villanyaram sem...
O nem akar igy elni hogy korlatozva vagyunk o akar fegyvert is fogna es ha kell lelone aki megakadalyozna a velemenye kinyilvanitasaban.
Mondom, vannak szintek.
Szoval, a heten szunet volt a suliban, igy apank szabin volt a gyermekkel.
Marci jar suliba mert mi keyworkerek vagyunk es rohadt nehez lenne megoldani a tobb honapos szunetet. Heti egyszer van neki egy covid tesztje a suliban, Ugyesen megcsinalja maganak mivel eleg csak az orraba turnia,azt meg minden gyerek csinalja ๐
Es vegre, VEGRE 25 ev utan befejezhettem fogtunderi palyafutasom,sikerult a gyereket megszabaditani az utolso tejfogatol.
Kirandultak sokat, lustalkodtak, elvoltak egyutt.
Voltak nalunk baratok egy kis beszelgetesre es mi is mentunk a szomszedba. Kurva jo fej lengyel csalad a szomszedunk, szerencsere egyiranyu s gondolkodasunk egeszen addig mig ok nem ismerik el hogy ez a virus letezik. De ez sem okoz nezetelterest mert kulonosebben nem beszelunk rola, a tobbiben egyetertunk.
Tudom sokatoknak fennakad szeme hogy milyen felelotlenek es onzoek vagyunk. Annyit tudok mondani hogy a sajat es a csaladom mentalis es fizikai egeszseget nem fogom tonkretenni mert meg van a modja annak hogy hogyan lehet biztonsagosan is osszehozni egy traccspartit. Ha szarul vagy akkor nem mesz sehova, ennyi. Meg ha csak egy kis megfazasod van, akkor sem. Eddig senki nem lett beteg aki nalunk jart es mi se lettunk betegek masoktol. Munkahely, az igen.
Tomi mielott lebetegedett, 20! kollegaja volt offos, mind coviddal.
Ma peldaul volt a Jacint, atultettuk a viragaimat, az ovei nagyon szepek igy ugy voltam vele ha o csinalja akkor tulelik๐. Egyebkent o a kollegam az asdaban szoval benne van a bubble-ban.
Apropo Asda.
Tavaly aprilis elsejen ( legjobb datum) mentem vissza, mivel erosen visszesett a sajat biznisz ugyhogy gyorsan kellett talani valami potlast. Bementem az Asdaba, leadtam az oneletrajzom, kifele menet osszefutottam a volt manageremmel ( abba a botba takaritottam anno) beszeltunk par szot, mondtam mi a palya. Masnap ramuzent, ugyan tudja ez visszalepes, de ha kell melo nekik kene plusz ember. En meg nem valogatok, tudtam mi var ram, penz meg kellett igy azota is vagyok reszmunkaidoben. Mivel Jacint is maganzo lett, kutyasetaltato, neki is mecsappant a vevokore. Viszont az Asdaban meg volt egy pozicio, felhivtam hogy akarja-e, persze szoltam hogy nem egy leanyalom melo. Tavaly Julius kornyeken kezdett, azota is ott van. Mit nem mondjak, megy a hulyeseg ezerrel ๐ de ami ott van neha ahhoz kell hogy utodottek legyunk kisse.
Azota mindkettonknek van allando szerzodese igy lavirozunk a sajat biznisz meg Asda kozott.
Apank a Tescoban dolgozik, ejszaki muszakban, manager. Utalja is rendesen.
A Center Parcs-ban az egyik etteremben dolgozott assitant managerkent, de szeretett volna tovabb, feljebb lepni. Ugy gondolta hogy az ejszakai melo teljesen jo lesz neki, es majd fejlodik. A CP-ben delutanos allasa volt 3-tol ugy ejfelig, egesz korrekt. A Tescoban este 10-tol reggel 7-ig nyomja, kemeny fizikai melo. Nem jott be. En lattam mi megy az Asdaban, probaltam is vazolni, de o ki akarta probalni. Most probalkozik hogy engedelyt kapjon ahhoz hogy elkezdhessen tanulni, vizsgazni teherauto vezetesre, atterjen aruszallitasra. Mivel 1-es tipusu cukorbeteg, igy ez kulonbozo akadalyokba utkozik.
Marci miatt meg kell oldani hogy valaki mindig legyen itthon vele. Mivel apank nem keres annyit hogy en el legyek heti 16-20 ora reszmunkaidovel igy nehez beosztani. Valoszinu ha reggeltol estig dolgoznek,akkor apank el tudna menni reszmunkaidobe de azt en fizikailag nem birnam lassuk be. Nem irodaban ulok egesz nap na. Meg egyebkent is.
Nem egyszeru es ra is nyomja mindenre a belyeget.
A magyar es angol postok nem lesznek egyformak, mivel ha az angolba leirnam micsoda kicsapongo eletet elunk holmi barati latogatassal, igen kivernem a biztositekot ๐
Egesz sok mindent kell behoznaom az elmult evekrol hogy tudjatok merre tartunk, szep lassan behozom a lemaradast, mar ahogy az idom engedi.
Szep estet mindenkinek, en mindjart huzok aludni, reggel 4-kor keles van.
Millio pusszantas es nagyon orulok a reklamacioknak hogy meg mindig vannak akik szeretnk olvani a hulyesegeimet ๐
Posted by ememem at 7:09 PM 2 comments
This will be a long post. Don't even know how to start...
So I went to see my cousin as you all know.
There are so many side what you can take of this covid madness.
All of them calls each others brain washed sheeps that is for sure.
First,there is my way of thinking.
Yes, there is a virus. Know it from first hand, hubby got it and he was very poorly. I, highly possible, had it too with only the symptoms of a cold. Boys, Martin and Marcell, (Martin was living with us at that time) nothing. Even tho hubby was isolated in the bedroom, only me went in but we all were locked in a house with close contact, especially with Marci there's no personal space, yet we were all good. Thomas has type 1 diabetes, I looked up on that obviously even if someone has it with diabetes, not necessary will get poorly. Strong immune system and genetics. Heard stories of healthy people dying around the same age (44) I don't agree on that. If you are healthy no way this could kill you. There must be something underlying conditions what this virus triggered and because it was unknown it lead to a fatality. I do not accept the theory of healthy people dying of it. Obviously I'm not a doctor, just a common sense. Oh and I don't read or listen news very often.
One thing I highly recommend... think positive, even when you know shit hit the fan. And smile. With that shit on your face. Negative people always have things worse.
So, I broke two rules today. First, I went to pick up Martin,who doesn't live with us. Second, I went to see my cousin and her partner, they are not in our bubble either. BUT they are all healthy, yep I know you still can have it, no evidence of that, and basically at this day possibly EVERYONE has it now or had it.
So sod it, if they are fine and so are we I am going to see my closest family and friends. Because we are rely on that social interaction what makes us healthy in every way. Do not tell me,you are fine with zoom, face time and text messages etc. I'm a happy person generally but I've got fucked in the head too.
There are so many theories,views how it started and why, what's the plan.
We will never find it out. We are the puppets in the show. What show? Fuck knows. Wealthy people possibly.
There is my cousin side, That shit is scary.
That side she's on, they call them conspiracy theorists. They call the rest of us brain washed sheeps. Listening her, I don't think we are the only ones. She would be happily go out to protest her way of thinking with a gun and kill people who might try to stop her. Because, as they see, wealthy people will take over the world, they will control us in every possible way. Well, they already do that aren't they?They will tell us how to dress, how to behave, how to live and et cetera. We will have nothing but we will be happy. And only 10 % of the world population will survive.
So if we add everything up, people killed by the virus and will be killed by of these protest yep there is a chance.
Now, this shit was man made, accidentally or intentionally released... we will never find it out.
One thing is sure, I told her too:
Whatever is the reason of this shit show, I won't live my life in fear, isolated,depressed. I need to go to work to make my living,(cleaning some tough shit at Asda) to look after my family in the best possible way. For that, we need to break some rules. Yet all of our way are very careful and sensitive to keep everyone safe for everyone we are or might be in close contact. No one I've seen, had or has covid because of me or any of my family member. I won't take part in any activities at any side. Call me brain washed, coward or irresponsible don't care.
All I want to keep my family and friends healthy and safe and yes,there is a way to do it safely. Just use your common sense and be fucking happy. Because we don't have any other chance so you can decide how you are going to pull it through.
Love you all.
Posted by ememem at 10:20 PM 0 comments
Hello everyone ๐
I'm back,
Wasn't thinking to start it again. Our big boys have moved out and we have a room now for use as an office. It's always start with a clear out isn't it.
Sorted all my stuff and I started to organize my shit on the laptop. Didn't get far, I'm here, writing๐
It will be all kind of posts. Funny, sad, pissed ( drunk too) possibly some will be boring.
Quick introduction and catch up.
We still live here in Carlisle. Still quite enjoying life here, well as we possibly could with all this bollocks going around in the world. I will share my views on that too, would be nice to have some comments later on when I start posting what's in my head๐
So Martin and Marko have moved out, I will write an update on them boys too, a honest and not too nice at some point.
We still have Marcell, he is a delight and a pain in the arse.
Hubby... he's a grumpy fella who likes his comfort zone. I think he likes me too still ๐ Well not so sure once he'll read this ๐
And me, I'm sure I'll be going to hell after I finished here๐
Going to pick up Martin shortly, we have a dinner together every Sunday as we don't get together so often now. Every weekend we have turns who makes dinner and it is really nice.
Then I will go and see my cousin who is really messed up with this covid shit. She got so deep in the conspiracy theories about it now, her family is very worried.
I don't think I will be able to change her point of view or make her think differently( mean the same eh) but I could try and tell her to get her head out of this shit, she won't be able to change anything and hurting herself is not an option and get back to her family. They still live together but she is in a different world in the head.
There you go, Covid, infects people and ruin their life in every possible way.
So guys, see ya all later, wish me luck with my cousin.
Have a great evening and Happy Valentine's day if you celebrate.๐
Posted by ememem at 3:16 PM 3 comments