Been a looooong long week.
Hubby was on holiday as Marci had his half term off. That made it easier in that way. They been on nice walks, made two raised garden beds for Marcell to grow some vegetables. Really looking forward to it, we know he will look after his plants really well.
I'm having extra hours at Asda plus my clients. Still have a few luckily and this week got back an other two. First one is easy, well as it can be, it is a really nice and tidy house but massive. Easy to clean in 4 hours 😄
The other one is a business...haven't been since November? Only, oil and anything you can imagine. Tomorrow morning is my first day back. Already told them, I need an extra hour to get the cleanliness of the place back to an acceptable standard 😂
Asda isn't the easiest place to work but most of the people there are tough as fuck, therefore it can be easy as we always find a way to smile, have a laugh. Oh I do have a fit sometimes, a colleague (one particular) taking a piss and I can't keep my opinion to myself so my manager have to listen my outbursts. Have to say, he is handling it well 😂
And I have my friend as a colleague, he is a good'un, great to work with, that's a massive bonus!
I do not know, how the hell I managed to go around the shop with a massive floor cleaning machine while the shop was busy with customers. I mean at least 4 of them in one aisle. Now, just a few of them and one fucker always finds a way to get into my way. And waiting on me to go around them with a massive 700 kg machine. You should think the mask covers my face expressions. Nah... home shoppers howling when they see me in these situations. Have to say, I am very polite, ask any of them, always say thank you when they let me go or say sorry if I'm in their way.
The mess we clean up every day is incredible, sometimes we found things that are unacceptable, obviously have no other choice but clean it.
This is my machine, well I'm using it most of the time,always decorated with something 😄And finally my colleagues accepted it and don't try to remove them. Well, after I was sharing my thoughts about that, they let me have my little friends sitting there 😁
This morning I had only 3 hours shift, where I should have sweep the entire shop ( not enough staff) clean with machine the main bits. Usually that takes 4 hours. I'm not a speedy gonzales. Or just getting old... on top of that last night one colleague managed to stuck on one scrubber pad, took some times for us to take it off, had to change two floor stickers, means scrape it off from floor and put new one on. Doesn't sound a lot, but when you have less time, every minute counts. If my colleague, Jay, wasn't there to help me, I would have put overtime on my overtime( Saturday is my only day off normally)
But we still managed to have a good laugh here and there and get the job done.
Meanwhile hubby and Marcell had a good time this morning, went to Allonby. Marci loved it, hes got some more rock to his collection and they got me some shells to my collection💓
It was very windy and wet but he still enjoyed it. He said we have to come back in the summer together. Hubby made a cool video but I haven't figured it out yet how to insert it as it is not working the same way as a picture.
Time to get ready for tomorrow. Work, then family dinner with boys. This week is Marcell's turn to make food, he will do it with some help of his big brother, Martin.
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